Wednesday, December 22, 2010

really pathetic

there's a long time i didn't update my blog..
since now i hve a plenty of tyme n i had decided to wrote something here..
i taught when i was enjoying my semester break, there will no others annoying people here..
but then i was realized dat i'm very wrong...bhahahhaha..
dis is usual situation dat we need to face it..
if we couldn't face it, n it means dat we do not hve an enough strength to facing d real world..
people always judge us, criticizing us..
without care bout d feeling of the people..
every person hve their own feeling,
sometimes they will express it to us, n sometimes not..
yeaaahh i thought i was expressing it, untill the person apologize to me..
hahah i think i should mark last nite date and time in my phone,
something dat really unexpectable so i can memorize it smpai bila2...bhahahahaha
wooaaahhh what a crap n unbelievable..
someone dat 'org kmpung' called as a CNN now apologize to me...bhahahhaha..
seriously it was hurt makcik when u say it like dat...
and frankly i said dat is very annoying...
makcik,you must know dat life is like a wheel, sometimes we're at the top, n
one find day we also cn be at the bottom of the wheel..
so accept it..
yoo're not young anymore makcik...
xmoh lah jaja2 cter xelok..saying a crap think bout people..
which might be hurt others..kan3..
luckily, i'm very kind..(waaahh prasan)..
u need 2 apologize 2 other people yg anda da ckp mcm2 makcik..
sorry 2 u makcik,i respect u as org tua, but diz is what u need to learn..
owwhh ya i'm suggest u makcik 2 watch selami jiwa program at oasis laahh..
and its quite suit to u...
don't get me wrong ya people, i'm not criticizing, but i'm just stating the fact..:)
sigghhh pathetic i say...~~

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